Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mover's group - Florida

This company made the moving!!

The oficial started, 10.18.2011, I contracted this company to bring some furnitures and personal stuff from Sarasota-FL to Cambridge-MA.

The delivery happened 11.09.2011, but the nightmare is not finished.

Emails, phone calls ...

Many promises,   .. stress ... !!!

Spring box mattress

This plastic protection I did, but the Mover's Group must have take more care!

Table 20X36X45

 Like the quen bed, this table also was not protected ... now is damaged
Strong family room table, I don't believe how can to break that!

Antique Sofa

Like the queen bed, this sofa was not protected
H stretcher is broken (behind 4 legs)

Curio case

Vinyl disc

The  album's collection boxes, was carefully organized in 7 box ...
Mover's Group delivered like that!!

Queen bed

Headboard - missing leg part (both legs)  I cant not fix my queen bed
The queen bed was not protected